Learn how to swing!
www.23skidooland.com-"Denver's Premiere Swing Dance Site."
Free forums, dance info, free partner finder, workshop information,
clothing, free public calendar
Run by James, a guy I've met a couple of times while swing dancing
in Denver and Ft. Collins.
www.mercurycafe.com- The Mercury Cafe is the most longstanding
(to my knowledge) swing
dance place in Denver. Located at 22nd and California, just
outside of downtown Denver. You can swing there on Sunday,
Tuesday, and Thursday nights. Get lessons too! Check out their web site at
www.csdn.org -- The Colorado Swing Dance
Network. This is the best source of information on where to go out for
swing dancing in Colorado. They have a continuously updated calendar of
upcoming dances.
www.jivecats.com -- The Jumpin'
Jive Cats are a Lindy Hop performance group in Ft. Collins, Colorado. A great source
of information on dances and classes in Ft. Collins.
www.greeleyhop.com --
Information on swing dance classes in Greeley, Colorado.
The UNC (University of Northern Colorado) Swing Club -- They don't
have a webpage yet, but the UNC Swing Club is enthusiastic and growing! For
more information, send a message to
[email protected] .