Photos By date

2003, 2004, 2005 PHOTOS
June/July 2002
April 2002
March 2002
February 2002
January 2002
December 2001
November 2001 
October 2001
September 2001
August, 2001
July 2001 (Aspen, Colorado)
March-July 2001 (Germany Photos Index)

Photos By Category

Activities Photos
My trip to China
June 24-Jul.4, 2002
Semester Exchange  
Mar-Jul '01
Jacques Brel Photos  May/June '98
New York
Carnegie Hall Trip  April '97
Family Vacation  Summer '96
Trip to sing for Pope  September '94


  They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

          If that's the case, this sure is a mouthful!!!

I've been trying to decide how to organize this portion of my site so that it would be easy to get around.  I decided to organize by category and by date. There are over 4,000 pictures behind these links (as counted in December 2001)!  If there is no link on the section, it is because the section is under construction.

I hope you enjoy this portion of the site and I will be working to make it more navigate-able.

Slide show visible with Internet Explorer...










Main Page     Welcome       Activities           UNC        Impact       Photos       Resume
Web Design       Massage       Recommendations      Letters

Jonathan Kraft
[email protected]