A co-worker of mine once said I make a great personal
Yahoo since I know of so many useful sites. I wasn't sure if I he meant it
nicely, but I took it as a compliment!
Hopefully I can help you find something
you might have been looking for. In this section is an organized listing of
many of the links which go from to other sites around the
Internet, as well as a few of the best links within
There are a few links here which will take you to ideas, sites, and products
that you didn't know you were always looking for, but won't know what to do
without once you have them.
To make navigating so many links a bit
more easy, the links have been categorized at the left so that you can just
click to see what you want.
If you have seen a site which you think
should appear here but doesn't, please suggest it using the email link to
the left. If you want to add your page, click
If you would like to exchange links with
me, please visit the
link exchange page.